I surely could see myself having a similar feeling of loss with tonight's Pen's game quickly approaching. You hurt me, Marion. Hurt me bad. I still won't "boo" you, though. Only immature knuckleheads would ever do that. However, the sting is still there. Much like a prostitute, you gave us all a good time for a while and then took our money and ran. And much like a prostitute, you deserve to be picked up by a serial killer, strangled, sodomized, then thrown into a dumpster. Go fuck yourself.
My prediction for tonight: Pain. Someone will leave the ice on a stretcher. The Pens are done pissing around. Plus, they're upset about the Steelers losing. Just like me. Or, they should be if they're not because the Steelers are Pittsburgh. Just like me. I am the voice of the people. Particularly sailors. God bless them. Even if they promise to call and never do.
Final score tonight: Pens 5, Cheating Clutch & Grabbing Faggots 2. You ain't no daisy, Hossa.
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